Infographic: Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction

This simple infographic explains Robert Gagné’s 9 Events of Instructions, which is an important instructional design model.

Gagne Nine Events of Instruction

25 thoughts on “Infographic: Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction

  1. Ellen says:

    Hi Nicole,

    Great way of learning by making it visual for yourself. I liked your infographic on evaluation best, because it also has some visualizations of the elements (icons) which makes it easier to remember.

    Keep them coming! Suggestions for infographic topics: the steps how we learn (stimuli, storing, remembering), learning styles, learning locations / when you learn best, learning environment… 🙂

    Rg, Ellen

    • Nicole Legault says:

      Hey Ellen! Thank you very much for the suggestions you have some really good ones (I especially like the first one about stimuli, storing, remembering — good topic!). Also a good point about the icons/images making the infographic more visual — Next time I’m going to remember that and try to incorporate more icons or graphics. Thanks for the feedback and for following my blog. =)

  2. Marty Simon says:

    I really appreciate your infographics. They are so clear in their content and very nicely stylized. I enjoy receiving your blog, as you always have a very interesting topic and share your insight and expertise.

    Marty Simon

  3. Crystal Hyde says:

    OK – you’ve inspired me to make an infographic… which topic *tapping forehead* Great job on this, Nicole!

    • Nicole Legault says:

      Thanks Crystal! For me it’s all about learning something new and unleashing some of my creativity. I’ve read articles in the past about the “Rules of infographic design” and it has to to contain data and facts, etc. and I think Bah!! I just want to make something that looks pretty and have fun doing it!!

  4. Cedric Smith says:

    Great job Nicole!

    I like the fact that you not only provided great information, but you presented it in a very appealing format and shared your process. As an Instructional Designer, it’s always nice to see how other people in the field approach the design process and the presentation of information.

    I always feel like I’ve learned something after reading your blog posts, and I’m usually inspired to go and create something of my own. I’m great with graphics, but I find it hard sometimes to come up with ideas or to get the creative juices flowing. Reading your process has given me ideas for getting started with future projects.

    Thanks for sharing!


  5. Lawrence Jacobson says:

    Very nice infographic. What it made me think of was how nice if the infographic used Gagne’s 9 principles to teach people about Gagne’s 9 principles. Easier said than done, I admit, but to me that would be a high-level instructional design.

  6. Wren says:

    Beautiful infographic Nicole. You make it sound so simple, but your talent really shines. Very elegant and easy to understand. Thank you!

  7. Laura Pastrik says:

    This is great. I’ve done some college teaching and training but want to specialize more in ID. Loved this quick infographic

  8. bogiben says:

    Hello there! I really like your post on info graphics and the steps in accomplishing the design. In my readings related to instructional design and learning theories, an article I read, mentions that “studies have found that 90 percent of the information that we remember is based on visual impact. Include that tidbit with the fact that we live in an age where 1.5 billion pieces of content, 140 million tweets, and 2 million videos are created on a daily basis, and you can easily understand why a simple visual aid can make your brand stand out.” (Costill 2013)
    I appreciate your input as I study this field of instructional design and researching blogging content related to the field.

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